†:co-first authors, *:corresponding authors, Bold: contribution of our team
HYU Works
8. Eun, H., Szabo, P. G., Rehhron, D., Lee, S., Jo, Y., Altmaier, M., Lee, J., Gaona, X.*, Yun, J.-I.*, Uptake of Eu, Th, U, and Pu by granite and biotite gneiss in Korean fresh groundwater under oxidizing and reducing conditions, Radiochim. Acta (In press)
7. Park, S.†, Cho, E.†, Kim, J., Ju, P., Park, T., Park, J., Lee, J.-Y., Yeom, H., Jo, Y., Kim, Y., Choi, S.*, Technical, regulatory, and policy feasibility assessments of rod consolidation in spent nuclear fuel disposal, Nucl. Eng. Technol. (In press)
2024 (6)
6. Choi, S.*, Goo, J.-Y., Hwang, J., Jo. Y., Lee, J.-K., Kwon, J.-S., "Thermodynamics of Se(IV) Sorption Onto Ca-type Bentonil-WRK Montmorillonite", JNFCWT, 22, 313 (2024)
5. Choi, S.-U., Jo, Y., Yun, J.-I.*, “Laser ablation saturated absorption spectroscopy (LA-SAS) for in-situ detection of neodymium isotopes”, Anal. Chem., 96, 10134 (2024)
4. Hoa, B. T., Jo, Y.*, Lee, J.-Y.*, "Prediction of the offsite exposure dose trends and preliminary derivation of DCGLs for a hypothetical contaminated NPP site in Vietnam using RESRAD-OFFSITE code", Nucl. Eng. Des., 425, 113319 (2024)
3. Goo, J-Y., Choi, S., Namgung. S., Jo, Y., Lee, S. Y., Kwon, J-S., Jo. H. Y., "Iodide retention characteristics on oxidized Cu coupon in saline and alkaline environments: Perspectives on high-level radioactive waste disposal", Chem. Eng. J., 488, 150575 (2024)
2. Hoa, B. T., Jo, Y.*, Lee, J.-Y.*, "Preliminary assessment of derived concentration guideline level (DCGL) for a hypothetical contaminated site planned for Ninh Thuan 1 nuclear power plant project in Vietnam by using RESRAD-ONSITE code", Nucl. Eng. Technol., 56, 2274 (2024)
1. Choi, S.-U., Jo, Y., Yun, J.-I.*, “Compensating isotope effect on molecular emission of hydroxyl and imidogen isotopologues in laser-induced plasma”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1289, 342198 (2024)
Postdoc Works
5. Jo, Y.*, Lothenbach, B., Cevirim-Papaioannou, N., de Blochouse, B., Altmaier, M., Gaona, X.*, "Uptake of chloride and isosaccharinic acid by cement paste with high slag content (CEM III/C)" Cem. Concr. Res., 180, 107509 (2024)
4. Jo, Y.*, Cevirim-Papaioannou, N., Franke, K., Fuss, M., Pedersen, M., Lothenbach, B., de Blochouse, B., Altmaier, M., Gaona, X.*, "Effect of ISA and chloride on the uptake of niobium (V) by hardened cement paste and C-S-H phases: Quantitative description and mechanistic understanding", Cem. Concr. Res., 172, 107233 (2023)
3. Jo, Y.*, Garbev, K., Cevirim-Papaioannou, N., Dieste, O. B., de Blochouse, B., Altmaier, M., Gaona, X.*, “Solubility of niobium(V) in cementitious system relevant for nuclear waste disposal: characterization of the solubility-controlling solid phases”, J. Hazard. Mater., 440, 129810 (2022)
2. Jo, Y.*, Androniuk, I., Cevirim-Papaioannou, N., de Blochouse, B., Altmaier, M., Gaona, X.*, “Uptake of chloride and iso-saccharinic acid by cement: Sorption and molecular dynamics studies on HCP (CEM I) and C-S-H phases”, Cem. Concr. Res., 157, 106831 (2022)
1. Cevirim-Papaioannou, N*., Jo, Y., Franke, K., Fuss, M. de Blochouse, B., Altmaier, M., Gaona, X.*, “Uptake of niobium by cement systems relevant for nuclear waste disposal: impact of ISA and chloride”, Cem. Concr. Res., 153, 106690 (2022)
Graduate Works
11. Jo, Y.†, Lee, J.-Y.†, Yun, J.-I.*, “Chemical thermodynamics of ternary M-An(VI)-CO3 system (M = Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba)”, Invited Contribution to Diamond Jubilee of Radiochim. Acta, 110, 873 (2022)
10. Jung, E. C., Jo, Y., Kim, T.-H., Kim, H.-K., Cho, H.-R., Cha, W., Baik, M. H., Yun, J.-I.*, “Surface coverage- and excitation laser wavelength-dependent luminescence properties of U(VI) species adsorbed on amorphous silica”, Minerals, 12, 230 (2022)
9. Han, S.-C., Jo, Y., Yun, J.-I.*, “Chemical degradation of fly ash blended concrete with the seasonal variation of rainwater in a radioactive waste repository: A thermodynamic modeling approach”, Cem. Concr. Res., 141, 106326 (2021)
8. Jo, Y., Cho, H.-R., Yun, J.-I.*, “Visible-NIR absorption spectroscopy study of the formation of ternary plutonyl(VI) carbonate complexes”, Dalton Trans., 49, 11605 (2020) (selected as a HOT article for the inorganic chemistry community)
7. Jung, E. C., Kim, T.-H., Jo, Y., Kim, H.-K., Cho, H.-R., Cha, W., Baik, M. H., Yun, J.-I.*, “Study on the species distribution of dissolved U(VI) and adsorbed U(VI) on silica surface”, J. Nucl. Fuel Cycle Waste Technol., 18, 63 (2020)
6. Jung, I.-K., Jo, Y., Han, S.-C., Yun, J.-I.*, “Efficient removal of iodide anion from aqueous solution with recyclable core-shell magnetic Fe3O4@Mg/Al layered double hydroxide (LDH)”, Sci. Total Environ., 705, 135814 (2020)
5. Jo, Y., Kim, H.-K., Yun, J.-I.*, “Complexation of UO2(CO3)34- with Mg2+ at varying temperatures and its effect on U(VI) speciation in groundwater and seawater”, Dalton Trans., 48, 14769 (2019)
4. Jo, Y., Kirishima, A., Kimuro, S., Kim, H.-K., Yun, J.-I.*, “Formation of CaUO2(CO3)32- and Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) complexes at variable temperatures (10 – 70 °C)”, Dalton Trans., 48, 6942 (2019)
3. Jo, Y.†, Han, S.-C.†, Ok, S.-I, Choi, S., Yun, J.-I.*, “Radiotoxicity flux and concentration as complementary safety indicators for the safety assessment of a rock-cavern type LILW repository”, Nucl. Eng. Technol., 50, 1324 (2018)
2. Jo, Y., Lee, J.-Y., Yun, J.-I.*, “Adsorption of uranyl tricarbonate and calcium uranyl carbonate onto γ-alumina”, Appl. Geochem., 94, 28 (2018)
1. Saleh, A. Sh., Lee, J.-Y., Jo, Y., Yun, J.-I.*, “Uranium(VI) sorption complexes on silica in the presence of calcium and carbonate”, J. Environ. Radioact. , 182, 63 (2018)